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  • Typhoon Ferri - Youtube
    Now Available: 16-Songs
    All Shows:
    Land Ho (Orleans, MA) - 10.19.13
    Land Ho (Orleans, MA) - 8.17.13
    Land Ho (Orleans, MA) - 10.27.12
    ChACErs Bar and Grill (Norwich, CT) - 8.18.12
    Stadium (Waltham, MA) - 7.14.12
    The Raven's Nest (Walpole, MA) - 6.23.12
    Land Ho (Orleans, MA) - 6.2.12
    Stadium (Waltham, MA) - 5.12.12
    Stadium (Waltham, MA) - 4.27.12
    The Mad Raven (Waltham, MA) - 3.30.12
    Stadium (Waltham, MA) - 3.24.12
    The Locals (North Providence, RI) - 2.25.12
    The Mad Raven (Waltham, MA) - 2.11.12
    The Mad Raven (Waltham, MA) - 1.21.12
    The Halfway Cafe (Holbrook, MA) - 1.7.12
    The Mad Raven (Waltham, MA) - 11.12.11
    007 Bar and Grille (North Kingstown, RI) - 10.1.11
    Land Ho Harwich Port (Harwichport, MA) - 8.6.11
    Portland Lobsterfest (Portland State Pier, ME) - 6.25.11
    The Mad Raven (Waltham, MA) - 6.17.11
    The Mad Raven (Waltham, MA) - 5.20.11
    Irish Times (Worcester, MA) - 3.12.11
    Land Ho (Orleans, MA) - 2.19.11
    Land Ho (Orleans, MA) - 1.29.11
    Dubliner at Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) - 12.17.10

    "This band has world-wide talent and they are ready for a world-wide spotlight. They also have perspective too, as evidenced on the aformentioned "Pearl" which proclaims: 'Highlights are nothing for people who shine all the time...'"

    "Typhoon Ferri draws from a broad sonic palette and Detergency is creative and impassioned!"

    "with a hint of scorching vocals and the melancholy vibe of former Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell, the EP would slip right in on college radio, between Guster and 311's percussion pop and Mr. Bungle's pop experimentation"
    - Vaughn Watson, Providence Journal

    "Although Typhoon Ferri has only been around for a little more than a year, it's garnered a fair amount of respect locally and online... MTV Online included the tune in its top 100 independent rock songs to watch in 2000"

    "The band's sound falls outside the generic classification of rock. Mesmerizing riffs and lead singer McInnis' slick vocals make it easy to see where the band's categorization comes from -- this is music to groove to."
    - RadioSpy.com

    "Typhoon ferri is the kind of band you might hear playing in the back corner of a filthy dive bar, as well as playing on the jukebox in a twentysomething overpriced hipster club. Similar to Led Zeppelin, but with more cheese and a thicker, yet crispier, crust."
    - Spencer, Chicago Content Developer, LocalMusic.com

    "Kickin' Around" is the most original sounding composition of this half dozen. It's got a laid back feel, acoustic guitar, smooth triplet drum fills."
    - Soundcheck Magazine

    "This trio from the Beantown area pumps out an energetic acoustic rock, powered by a strong and tight rhythm section. The six-song EP certainly shows the boys know how to play their instruments. The third song, "Fistful of Euphoria," sounds like it was assisted by a twelve pack of Mountain Dew. The hyper-caffeinated funky folk rocker takes off, drums and bass blazing, liquid guitar oozing in and out, till the buzz cools off a bit and gives way to an airy chorus. The overall funky folk feel takes you back to the late '70s"
    - Bill Ribas, NYRock.com

    "The energy level of their music is almost an extremity, while the melodic element is the magnetic factor. The drumming is outstanding with a drive that keeps each piece going into active melodic overdrive."

    "The intensity and magnetism of the rhythm section is an element rarely found. Ferri and Montgomery, bass and drums respectively, play as if they have been together for ages."

    "Their music is fresh with phrases and melodies which are filled with original conceptions. The vibrance in their music comes through in each presentation and one need not have a vivid imagination to picture the band live."

    "Typhoon Ferri, the trio from somewhere in America have done themselves proud. This 6 track CD is The EP to be seen grooving to."

    "The first track, ‘Infamous’ and the second track ‘Crystal Shawmut Shuttle’, have a very distinctive and almost Spanish sound to them, there are nice guitar melodies."

    "They have the kinda songs you just cant get out of your head, and quite frankly why would you want to? This is one funky band."
    Listener Feedback
    quotes from garageband.com reviews and emails sent to typhoonferri.com
    "Reminds me of early Santana - you guys set a good mood, would like to hear more."
    dirtyv - Pottsville, PA
    "Virtual Reality - Great Song! I really liked the vocals"
    EdgarMoth - Alberta, Canada
    "More bass...The organization was very good...great production... very nice vocals...a feel good song...bring up the bass pedal some ...NEED MORE BASS!!! I love bass..."
    dawnS - Kelton, PA
    "INTERESTING SONG- cool vocals, music, harmonies. I really like the breaks. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE LYRICS ARE, BUT I LIKE THEIR DELIVERY AND MOOD."
    asgardsongstres - Baton Rouge, LA
    "Pretty good - Song brought back some nice memories of Andrew Wood (Mother Love Bone)... active bassline was very nice."
    Tao - Jacksonville, FLA
    "Purrrrrow- your vocals are great. they have that great deep sexy breathy sound. i usually try to avoid the blind praise, but this time i have nothing to say, i don't see anything that needs improving."
    PunkyBrewster - Oakland, NJ
    Ricky - El Dorado, AK
    "Likee Likee - Like the groove and the Chill tunes!"
    Tidal Dave - Virgie, KY
    "Good little rock song, kept my foot tapping. I liked the guitar sounds, and something that some of the bands songs have seamed to miss that I've heard, a solid ending."
    Zattack - Seattle, WA
    "although I think this song has a good hook, my own personal taste is probably not, well...like most normal people's. the performance was tight and polished. I liked the inclusion of an acoustic guitar"
    researchchick - Toronto, Canada
    "i really liked your song, on mp3 from your webpage. i am from massachusetts and never heard of you until i was at the tapetraders page. the song really surprised me."
    M. Forit - N. Attleboro, MA
    "Please send me your cd!!Very tight!"
    Aaron Dalton - Roanoke, VA
    "hey Fistful of Euphoria rocks! Could I get a CD? I live right down here in CT. Have you played in CT?"
    C. Losito - Danbury, CT
    "I absolutely loved 'Fistful of Euphoria' ... look forward to hearing more from this band!!!"
    T. Marchesano - Mahopac, NY
    "I really enjoyed music that I downloaded from tapetrader.com and would like to have CD."
    Anton Roudnev - Moscow
    "It's really great to here funky stuff done on an acoustic guitar. You guys have a lot of soul! I really like the mix of instruments on 'Infamous'. The vocals and harmonies are really well done too."
    Brett Service - Tupperville, Ontario
    I heard someone descrive the band Ours as being overwrought... and I didn't like that description, and I hate using it here. The song has a nice (if not cliched) Jam Band groove, but then the screaming guitars and vocals are thrown in (more like forced in) and that basically adds tension that, I feel is not needed. The production and arrangement were fine. The performances were solid, too.
    Friekman - Cambridge, MA
    Ben Harperish type of feel. Love the lead and backup vocals. Good beat. I would imagine very good live. Great guitar licks.
    Rustophagus - Harwich, MA
    as for me, good style, good instrumental perfomance, but vocals.. sure you can sing better sometimes
    Patlaty - Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
    Nice catchy vocal part. The strummy thing worked well with the tight rhythm section. I kept noticing the drummer's "china" crash. good sound. The chorus could be a little more immediate with the hook. There is a short downtime before the real chorus melody kicks in. Generally nice work.
    Kansi - Brooklyn, New York
    Finally, a great rock tune. Sorry there's not really any constructive criticism i can give you, i wouldn't change a thing. There's some good guitars in there, especially the solo at the end, you can tell there's a lot of feeling in that.. The vocals were cool.. Drums were good.. A good all around song.
    DGraves - Trenton, NJ
    The production of this song is very upfront... and pretty loud too. It sounds too compressed with too much reverb to me. But, all the instruments can be heard clearly which is a big plus. Acoutics sound good. The vocals are great. Good arangement too.
    Rattmahem - Denver, CO
    The song is well written and the arrangement is good. It has some unique twists and turns and interesting beats/breakdowns. Procuction-wise this song needs a make-over. You may want to consider upping the bass guitar, getting the lead vocals back down into the music (like it sounds when you play live) and dropping or subduing the inverted crash. Also, the lead guitar has the chops down but it's sounding as if the wheels are coming off structure-wise during the guitar solo.
    Beer ME, McLean, Virginia